Enjoy the beautiful and uplifting experience of a Cathedral-style Choral Evensong, sung by the choir and Scholars of the historic and atmospheric church of St Mary Magdalene, Richmond.
Choral evensong is held every Sunday at 6.30pm, and on Sunday 8 June, we celebrate the Reaffirmation of Twinning of Richmond with Fontainebleau and Konstanz. There will be English, French, and German music by composers including Stanford, Duruflé, and Brahms. Entry is free and everyone, of all faiths or none, two legs or four(!), is most welcome to attend.
The service will last around an hour. If you've never experience Choral Evensong before, this is a perfect opportunity to do so.
St Mary Magdalene has stood at the heart of Richmond upon Thames for over 800 years. It is home to a vibrant and welcoming community of worshippers, volunteers, and musicians, and its doors are open to all, irrespective of belief and background. It has a varied and expanding programme of music outside of services, including a regular recital series.
Guide Prices
Free event