This poignant romantic drama follows the story of Banel and Adama, a young couple living in a remote rural village in West Africa. They share a deep, passionate love and dream of building a life together away from the restrictions of their traditional community. However, their desires for independence clash with the village's deeply ingrained customs and expectations, especially when Adama is pressured to take on the role of village chief—a responsibility he does not want.
As Adama struggles with the demands of leadership, Banel's fierce independence and longing to break free from the village's constraints cause growing tensions between the couple and their community. Their relationship becomes strained as personal dreams give way to the heavy burden of societal duty. The environment itself reflects their turmoil, with an ominous drought casting a shadow over their lives.
The film explores themes of love, tradition, and the conflict between personal desires and communal obligations. It examines how individuals struggle to define themselves within the confines of societal expectations and the consequences that can arise when they push too far against those boundaries.
This visually stunning and emotionally charged drama debuted at the 2023 Cannes Film Festival, where it was nominated for the Palme d'Or. Through its strong lead performances, the film delivers a moving portrayal of love, ambition and the harsh realities of life in a traditional society.
The film will be preceded by the Richmond Film Society AGM and will therefore commence half an hour later than usual at 8:30pm.
Non-member tickets are £5 (full-time students £3) and can be purchased in advance from The Exchange's Box Office online at http://exchangetwickenham.co.uk/events, by telephone 020 8240 2399 or in person.
For further information on RFS and the programme of films, please visit
Guide Prices
Ticket Type | Ticket Tariff |
Adult | £5.00 per ticket |
Note: Prices are a guide only and may change on a daily basis.