Explore key sources for researching your ancestors who served in the First World War. Find out about the types of records held by The National Archives, including service records and medal cards and learn how to find and use them in your research.
This webinar is presented by Will Butler, Head of Military Records at The National Archives. It will be followed by a live Q&A so come prepared with any questions or queries you have about these records.
What's Online is a series of events delivered by our experts and special guests. This webinar will be presented on Vimeo. You do not need a Vimeo account to join an event, and can join from your browser from a laptop or mobile device. However, for the best experience we recommend using either a laptop or desktop computer.
You will receive a reminder email, including a link to join in advance of the event.
Book your tickets here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/family-history-using-first-world-war-army-records-tickets-753852953477?aff=oddtdtcreator
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Free event